In Memory of
Carla Pereira

In loving memory of our dear friend who left us so suddenly on January 2, 2001. It breaks our hearts to lose her but she will always be in our memory and we will treasure our memories of her forever.

What is it like to have a friend like Carla? Nobody could ask for a better friend. She was someone so special that she was more than a friend to us. She had a great sense of humor and she knew how to make her friends laugh. She had so much to give and so much kindness to share. Being involved in drama (especially in the comedy area) was her first love. She was a faithful fan of the San Francisco Giants and was determined to name her e-mail address after the team "" so we could easily remember her e-mail address without having to worry about locating her e-mail address if we happened to be in another place.

She came and visited us in Canada frequently. We always enjoyed her company and sense of humor. One day we went to the cottage, outside of Edmonton. The weather was so terrible that we had to stay inside most of the time. We were worried about the quality of our hospitality since we were stuck in the cottage for a few days. She said for us not to worry. She didnít mind this as she wanted to stay and relax. That made us feel relieved, knowing that we didnít have to do anything special to please her. She was like a sister to us. We could sit and chat for hours and hours. She was an interesting person.

Not only that but she frequently visited my Aunt Maude who resides in Birmingham, Alabama. She has always been a large part of our family. We shared the same sorrows because both of our mothers died of breast cancer. We can understand the feeling of the loss of the ones that we love and cherish.

If someone asked us one for one simple four-word sentence to describe Carla, weíd say "She is very sweet." She is too young to be gone and we realize that life is precious. Without any knowledge of her sudden death, we bought a new standing lamp for the living room on the same day she got killed in a school bus. We have decided to dedicate it in her name.

We're very lucky to have had her as our friend.

Carla, you are now joining your beloved Mom and my beloved Mom. Tell them that we still love them and will always miss them.




Edmonton, Alberta Canada

Updated January 12, 2001